Bali Visa
We’re off to Bali.1
Bags are packed itineraries done accommodation booked at Double Six Luxury Hotel
Flights booked with Batik Air
Wished I had read reviews before booking (in my defence I was a couple of beer’s in and thought I had booked on Boutique Air!)
What can possibly go wrong?
Whoops surely they don’t use Boeing Max jets (this plane is definitely not named after me)
The next item to be ticked of was on line visa and what family fu14n that was.
Now the first thing you need to avoid is the plethora of dodgy websites purporting to be the official site .
Having fallen for the Batik Air trap I was on full alert and quickly found the official Indonesian website
The first bit was pretty good however when Passport photo had to be uploaded the shit hit the fan.
Taking a photo of your passport should not be all that difficult but the Indonesiaian website refused all attempts to upload a suitable photo
I tried every trick to get photo up
Including scanning,direct uploading and all sorts of other high end technical stuff which I won’t bore your with now.
Two hours had passed and with nothing to show for my efforts I was advised to have a beer and let fresh eyes take a look tomorrow.
Somewhat stressed and with elavated blood pressure I reluctantly took the beer option.
In from work showered and back onto computer and after several tries got Passport photo accepted(I have no idea what I did to get this far) Im elated with this and push on and quickly upload a selfie no problem.
Then onto passport details and I must tell you their date setting calander is plain stupid!
Anyway after many attempts and false starts I had graduated to NEXT.
Praise the Lord
You won’t believe this but they then want another Passport image as well as your return ticket in PDF format
Well bugger me dead how the hell am I supposed to achieve that?
Undeterred I grab another Becks and google how to convert said files
I downloaded a ScanShot app and uploaded the documents that’s the easiest bit.
Another beer and a half I had fluked the upload all was good
On this page there was the option to add additional visa applications which I pressed
Alas all my hard fought details had apparently disappeared for ever!
Day three in from work showered and back to computer
Quickly onto website and there are my details all there I cannot believe my luck
I input payment and in no time have my Visa printed Hellaluja!
The triumph is short lived as I now need to get a visa for The Bride.
Many Passport photos are presented and quickly rejected I am getting really pissed off by now.
My frustrations are minuscule compared to The Brides
Enter fresh eyes ( not mine)
The Bride takes control of application and found out that this was an extremely frustrating task.
Bella the dog having not been the centre of our attention decided to scratch the chairs and bark.
Coinciding with Bellas barking Passport photo number nine had been rejected.
The Phone and passport were chucked down and Bell was told something like
“—-k —f Bella your a very naughty girl “
Having never been spoken to in this tone before Bella bolted a broken little creature.
She quickly shook it off as dogs have the want to do and we were all good friends.
Day four
I’m from work showered back to computer but this time The Bride had prepared a Dossier of documents and photos to use.
Slowly with the aid of the Documents in correct order I was able to obtain second Visa in less than one beers time
Off to Denpasser
Really sad to hear Legend Kris Krisstofferson died this week. He and Bobby Dylan
Were the best singer songwriters thank you beautiful girl do you love my top five of our generation.
My Top Five
Help Me Make It Through The Night
Sunday Morning Coming Down
For The Good Times
Me And Bobby McGee
Loving Her Was Easier
Kris and then wife Rita Coolidge singing Help Me Make It Through The Night is one of the best musical duet videos ever!
Rockwiz duets
Jeff Martin And Tina Arena
Dan Kelly and Martha Wainwright
Are close seconds
What a wonderful human Kris was RIP
Max on tour
It used to be so easy to get to Bali. Well done Max. Enjoy.
I can hardly wait for your Bali update