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The Case Of Two Cases Part Two

Oct 21, 2024

6 min read




The Bride had a difficult tasks as the tour headed to Bali.

Our number had grown to four- with newbies Spare wheel Pete and brother Bevan.

As arranged Pete was to be our local transport to the airport and arrived shortly before agreed time.

Suitcases were quickly loaded and passengers climbed into Pete’s vehicle some more nimble than others.

Pete was fiddling with something on his dashboard after some time I asked what’s happening?

Just getting Siri to give me directions to long term parking at airport.

Me and The Bride glance at each other we are both wondering has the International Airport suddenly moved?

Shortly Irish Siri Colleen had us on our way.

Zooming along Tonkin Highway Irish Siri directs us to veer left onto Airport Drive (what an brilliant name such imagination)

All was going swimmingly until Colleen apparently lost it lookin for pre programmed parking block H.

Straight ahead to next roundabout take second exit.

All good

Siri repeats previous instruction.

All good.


You’ve gone too far you will be needing to go to next roundabout and do a U turn.

Pete does as instructed,

Halfway back to the previous roundabout Siri chimes in.

No you are needing to go to next roundabout and do a U turn.

At this point all eyes are vainly searching for carpark H.

I think AI took over here as Siri said

For Fecks Sake!

Go to next roundabout and do a U turn!

After Two more laps we gave Colleen the RS

And took the first left and found the Elusive H carpark.

Lucky us H was staff parking only who would have thought.

Onwards ignoring Siri we found G which turned out great as you will find out later.


I had completed most of our online stuff for me and The Bride. Pete had done his own and niece Darryan had done big Bevs'.

Arriving at Perth Airport there was a minor hiccup getting checked in, no problems we were soon upstairs ready for our flight.

Boutique Air had us safely in Bali a few hours later.

The first hurdle was the health screening which three of us managed to maneuver through without a lot of fuss.

Unfortunately Pete now sweating, could not locate his document.

We could see him in the distance desperately pounding his phone trying to extract the elusive QR code with his index finger. Every now and then squinting as he moved his device further away vainly hoping for a better result.

Eventually some pity was shown by the customs lady and he was allowed in.

Next hurdle passport control the above mentioned three are able with minimal fuss to get through customs.

Not Pete! The Passport reader refused to acknowledge his passport at this point. The Bride is shouting instructions to Pete but with failing hearing he is oblivious.(although he denied it later I suspect he presented passport cover down to the reader)

Next he joins the manual queue and slowly edges ahead and is eventually let in.

Meanwhile the three of us head for carousel and grab our luggage and being team players look out for Pete’s luggage.

Pete arrives but is luggage doesn’t.

As we have transport arranged it’s decided that we would head off while Pete sorted out his case issue.

Heading to last immigration hurdle it was soon established that none of our number had filled out our customs declaration. I had quickly gone from smug to mug.

Over in the corner were a few vintage keyboards and screens.

The Bride easily had the best keyboard skills of our group and was quickly onto task.

Her problem was said keyboards were so old some letters were worn out and not visible however after a little huffing and puffing she had us all registered.

As instructed I photographed the QR code and headed to next booth where I show QR code and was waved through however two other codes were absent.

The Bride using both charm and flattery had us all quickly over the last hurdle.

Pete catches up as we emerge looking for our pre- organised transport.

We are confronted by a sea of faces all with placards with their clients' names.

We quickly arrived at Double Six Hotel which I must say is spectacular.

The Porter’s grab all our luggage except Pete’s missing case.

As an extra measure Pete gives details including missing bag details to reception so they could also follow up.

Next morning still caseless but very smartly dressed in his travel outfit of dress shirt, jeans and leather shoes gets onto the front.

A motorcycle rider quickly hails Pete.

You need transport mister?

Yes I do.

Where to boss?

Just want to buy some clothes.

Pete is quickly on the back of a clapped out Honda without helmet would you believe.

Motorcycle boy now beaming whips Pete two hundred and forty metres to a friendly haberdashery establishment.

A man on a mission Pete has his items bagged in no time and hands over a fist full of

Rupps at the initial very good morning price.

Back on the back of the Honda Putra laughed when told of bargain price and suggested they go to his aunt's store.

No mate just back to the hotel.

Putra dropped Pete off and disappeared in a cloud of smoke with two days income scrunched into his pockets.

We had arranged to meet Hocka and Vicky for a few Bintangs just around the corner at Cacoon.

Pete was anxious about his case so decided not to come.

Had a good catch up our friend Irene caught up and was in high spirits.

We reminisced where apparently we were all fitter stronger and much better footballer player’s now!

Gaffers name came up as it invariably does in this setting.

He didn’t?

He did!

You are joking- that’s terrible !

Nah he did!


Then some nicknames from the old days were brought up with Two Dicks being the standout.

Two Dicks for has a wonderful connotation and was definitely the right nickname for the gentleman in question.

That said I now know there are many blokes and a few women that this nickname could easily be adopted. I’m sure you’ll have run across a few in your travels.

We moved the conversation on and after a few more cleansing ales headed off back to hotel.

You will not believe this but - Pete had his case back!

This is roughly how it went.

Pete gets a text.

We have found your case Mr Peter.

Great where is it?

Right now it is coming on airplane from Perth.

So you don’t have it there?

No Mr Peter we have it in the airplane.

Right so when it comes you will be able to send it over to my hotel?

What is your hotel address?

It’s on the form I filled out.

Yes sorry Mr Peter I have it here very nice hotel you stay.

So you will send case here?

No Mr Peter our transport is not here today.

However I will arrange a taxi for your suitcase to deliver to your hotel very soon.

Thanks Wayan said Pete thinking issue was resolved.

Next Text

Mr Peter I have arranged taxi and he will deliver to you for only 200000 Rupiahs.

Beaten down and already out of pocket for much than this so far today Pete agrees to Wayans generous offer.

Thank you Mr Peter for your patience we at Batik air are very happy to assist you with you problem.

My supervisor has agreed not to charge you for urgent delivery from Perth so it is very happy day for us both!

Mr Peter can I assist you with anything else?

Next text

Mr Peter I am here now with your suitcase.

Pete spots an aged Bluebird Taxi outside hotel foyer and heads towards it.

No Mr Peter over here, shouts a man with a beaming smile astride a scooter, with case in his hand.

There is a scuffle as porters try to grab case whilst courier is simultaneously trying to photograph said case as well as retrieve fare from Pete.

Eventually all is sorted.

Bali you will find either cheerful happy people or dour grumpy folks the latter are entitled tourists the former are the battling locals!

Go figure!!

An absolute highlight was the delight shown by two waitresses when Pete gave them a $10 tip.

Made our night.

Feel free to share with friends if you liked.

If you don’t send to someone to annoy them.

Max On Tour.

And another thing.

Pete was our Uber driver to and from Perth Airport and had parked in longterm parking normally around $170.

Pete puts ticket in machine and it says no charge 10 minutes free not exceeded after several tries same answer.

We’re off to the exit boom expecting the worst but hoping for the best.

Into the machine goes the ticket.

Up goes the boom

Pete is unaware still looking at the machine.

Go Pete- it’s open shouts The Bride.

Pete quickly accelerated out and away.


Oct 21, 2024

6 min read




Comments (2)

Oct 30, 2024

The case of two cases part 2 was a numerous but accurate report


Oct 21, 2024

I know the Gaffer did.

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