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SAVE F- - - - - G WEDGE

Jan 3

3 min read





I had shot down to the local shopping Centre to purchase some more bread rolls to go with the never ending Christmas ham.

Walking on paved area adjacent to carpark I bashed my shins on some idiots tow bar!

Now as you would expect this clown had reversed parked making sure that their rear

Tyres were wedged tight to the curb therefore ensuring the oversized drawbar would penetrate well into any unsuspecting pedestrians path.

Then I have a closer look at the vehicle.

It’s an aging Prado with numerous stickers plastered across the back.

The stickers like the vehicle were far from new.

Amongst the many were.

Baby On Board

Auto Masters

Go Home We’re Full

The Stick Figure family(don’t see those much anymore such a shame)

Save Wedge.

Still cursing to myself I headed into shopping Centre to grab some fresh rolls.

Only trouble is I am at entry furthest away from Bakers Delight!

This means I had to negotiate Hellfire Pass that joining piece that gets you from East to West.

It once was not bad but it is now full of phone repair kiosks that severely restrict pedestrian traffic.

As always there was a family of four meandering aimlessly through just as I entered the pass.

Their formation appeared random however I did see they were just far apart to prevent anyone passing between them but far enough apart to achieve major traffic disruption.

As the herd ahead veered left I made my move quickly to the right but as I did the wildebeests instinctively changed course to block my run.

Frustrated I regroup for another go.

The passage opens up just ahead and I know Just Juice Kiosk is up ahead on the right with the food hall on the left.

My hunch is correct the Beasts picked up the pace a little and veered towards the all you can pile on a small plate for $12.95 Chinese.

In the blink of an eye I was through and at the bakery.

There is an elderly lady if front of me fumbling through her purse trying to rustle up the $9.75 for her bread fishing out 5 and 10 cent pieces and passing to the young girl.

Three or more minutes pass and still not enough change to cover the bill.

Eventually she comes up short and hands over $100 bill.

She gets her change and very carefully stows it in another wallet.

The girl then hands back the $7.75

In silver which the senior promptly drops,they go everywhere but other kindly customers help pick up the coins.

I grab my pack of rolls and wait to be served.

Is that all today or would you prefer some sweet?

Turns out the lady serving me is the owner no messing with hair and makeup for this gal.

I paid.

Have a lovely day see you next time.

I think it must be me but sometimes people seem to annoy me without them even vaguely realizing it.

Anyway heading back I notice the beasts have cleaned their plates and are eyeing the carvery.

Phew I am quickly through.

This time I avoid the tow bar.

Heading home I am thinking Save Wedge what’s that all about ,must look it up as it has got to be a very good conservation cause.

Guess What it’s not

Turns out the save wedge campaign is run by a mob of self serving squatters.

Back in the day someone decided the would build a shack adjacent to the Beach on Crown Land (ours by the way)

Must have told a mate and over the years many more shacks were built.

Heaps of families had all their childhood holidays there.

I bet it was Idyllic.

Now these squatters have had a free ride for many many years (recently they have paid a modest annual fee) and now they expect the rest of us to support them to get forever rights to the land.

I would suggest saving Wedge should be about get rid of all the shacks build a good caravan park with camping facilities and chalets so all of us can enjoy!!

So therefore XXXX Wedge




Jan 3

3 min read




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