What a work of art the iconic Statue of David is pictured above (courtesy MOT Media)
What detail and carving skill look at the detail on his right hand.
I did note that although he has a face of an angel- his body is perfectly poised ready to launch a deadly attack on the unsuspecting Goliath!
Surely the best ever!
Now for those of you that are not fully over the Art Of The Chisel I will give you a few pointers.
Whilst knocking this one Old Mate Michaelangelo intended the statue to look in proportion when viewed from ground level.
Some feat in perspective as statue is around 5 metres tall.
I guess doing a full reenactment with Goliath would have not been possible due to no marble blocks of suitable size being available at the time.
Now those of you that have had more than maybe a passing glance at David's beautifully formed right hand you may have just scrolled right.
If you did you would think I was talking rubbish about proportions and you would be correct.
There is a tried and true age old measure of proportion, that is.
Big feet ,big hands equates to big Eight Day Clock!
Noting this on returning to our rooftop room I did some research that I will share with your good selves.
Apparently back in the day sculpting was very popular ,sculptors were knocking out statues willy nilly with feet, hands snake and sack in proportion according to the ancient formulae.
The male nobles of the time were on the back foot as the were known to be poorly endowed And even with their wealth and privilege they were missing out on the prettiest and smartest young Florentine lasses.
Something needed to be done about this social injustice.
Enter Emperor Pindickus with maybe the first bit of Fake News ever.
Pindickus decreed that as a small set of wedding tackle was a certain sign of class and intelligence therefore all statues would from then on have far more modest appendages!
So there you have it a wee history lesson for your good selves
Just noticed Is that Elon Musk at the bottom of the phot of David?